Are you interested in storing your products in our warehouse and benefit from the fastest delivery times in all countries?

- Store your goods in our warehouse, we will pack them and ship them to your customer.
- Fulfilment warehouse located in Hungary and Romania.
- Integration of the warehouse system with your CRM via API.
- Full automation of shipping.
- You can save on international transport.
- Guaranteed delivery as soon as possible.
- Optimisation and simplification of your warehouse processes.
- You will have more time for more important things.
How it works:
- You deliver your products to our local warehouse and administer stock levels,
- The customer places an order in your webshop,
- The order is forwarded to us via API,
- Processing of the order, packaging and labelling with the label of the selected courier,
- Delivery and payment on delivery,
- Returns management,
- Invoicing and reporting.